Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mini Concentration


I used kitchen things, like food and cups and what not. i made them look like they are floating or levitating. 


  1. The description matches the photos. My favorite is the fruit one because the edges around the floating things look sharper than in the other two. My least favorite is the soup one because the bottoms of the cans look a little bit blurred so they look edited. Good job overall!

  2. Cute idea and good description. I like the floating fruit the best because the subject is cool. I think that the floating cups are my least favorite because with the blank backdrop the bland colored cups make the shot sort of dull. I think some editing improvements would make the photos better overall (ie fixing the bruises in the banana, the spaghetti-os can etc).

  3. your description matches it perfectly. i really like your idea its very different and i really liked the fruit picture the best it seems like you took time on this project. my least favorite picture i will have to say is the one with the cups, but over all i really liked your idea! good Job!!

  4. First, try not to use ‘what not’ in your descriptions  The photos turned out well. I realize these can be difficult but you did a good job with the levitations. There are some slight problems with the masks on a few of them, but overall they look good. A little more light might have helped you. I like the third one the best with the different shapes, colors and arrangement but all three are good. Just watch the edge of your masks.
