Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Final project


You want to be fit.
You wanna weight lift and 
get big before you go out and compete.

You wear glove to protect
 your hands in boxing 

You wear shoes on your feet to
 protect your feet in boxing. 

You wear headgear to protect
 your head and ears in boxing

You win first place fool!!
U won because
U are from the U!


  1. The story is kind of like a poem and I like that, but the story over all kind of doesn’t makes sence but once you read it you finnaly get what it is about. Over all I think the editing on this photo could have been better. My favorite photo is the third one because I think the editng looks more clean in that photo and my least favorite is the “you win first place fool” picture because you can see where you edited in the medal and it just doenst look as clean.

  2. i really thought that your story was very unique, you said it in a poem and thats what makes it unique. i thought that the pictures were simple but then at the same time, they look good. especailly the last and the third picture, those were my two personal favorite, but for my least favorite id have to say is the second and fourth picture because like London said, the editing is a little weak. maybe editing the picturees more could help but i honestly really liked your story you overal did a good job and it was creative!!

  3. Very well done with double exposure. The second picture looks the best, having the boxing gloves inside the person is amazing. The 3rd picture looks great, although having the shoe inside the person will look better. Overall it’s amazing, but little editing will look better.
